This post is nothing but a place for me to vent because even my mom is sick of hearing about my bad feel free to skip it.
Here are the things that pissed me off (my day was fine until about 3:15)!
*On the way to the chiropractor (running late of course) it was the beginning of the torrential rain; I had to follow an old man driving 17 in a 40 for about 5 miles.
*Leaving chiropractor--ran into train train ever came. Went around train--took a total of 13 minutes to go one block.
*More torrential rain, making me 15 min. late to the vet.
*Charlie's vet visit cost $178...and he has to go back in two weeks.
*Said visit could have cost $25 less if the damn new girl didn't have to give me the wrong size bottle of insulin.
*Kitty has to switch to different food...old cans cost $.48 each, new cans cost $.78 each (he eats 2.5 cans a day)
*Took me over 30 minutes to get home from vet (normal time--about 11 min.) particularly due to sitting through college & quivira stop light for about 6 cycles.
*More fucking rain.
*Got home, my lamp (the only source of light) in my living room is broken.
*Still leftover from last week--but very angry about it--have to get a $1260 crown on my tooth--and I don't even have a cavity.
There. I think I'm done.
annie kate
6 years ago
Boo. Love you.